A Thoroughly Modern College Football Structure and Schedule

Posted on 2012-03-19 in Uncategorized

The current college football structure has grown and branched over many years. During this time it has developed from a nascent college club sport on the east coast to a big dollars production. In the process it gave us Woody and Bo, the Iron Bowl, plucky independent Notre Dame, and …

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Shuttle Launch Video

Posted on 2010-12-11 in Uncategorized

Shuttle Launch

Shuttle Launch

As my wife is at a Christmas cookie exchange party this evening, I'm taking the opportunity to watch an incredible video of Space Shuttle launch footage. It is some of the first public viewing of the 100+ engineering analysis cameras sitting all around the orbiter as it lifts …

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Augusta 70.3

Posted on 2010-09-27 in Uncategorized

This past weekend I had the chance to head down to Augusta to race their half ironman. The race was well-organized and well-run.

We left Atlanta on Saturday afternoon after watching the first half of Michigan's blowout win over Bowling Green. On the good note we promptly ran into a …

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Posted on 2010-05-13 in Uncategorized

We took a trip to Savannah; it was nice. We stayed at a B & B which was right in the historic district. In a weekend we were able to get to know our way around the historic district and wander around most of the famous squares. We didn't do much …

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Black and White

Posted on 2010-01-19 in Uncategorized

Andrew Sullivan writes:

The current system insures fewer and fewer people and costs more and more. It is crippling other sectors of the economy and will bankrupt the entire Treasury if some painful adjustments are not made. If America cannot grapple with a crisis this big, and cannot accept an …

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New York Times Paywall

Posted on 2010-01-19 in Uncategorized

Word is leaking out that the New York Times will start charging for access to parts of their website. While this isn't crazy (Wall Street Journal follows this model) it is a departure from their previous thinking.

The argument for remaining free was based on the belief that nytimes.com …

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Calvin Soccer

Posted on 2009-11-21 in Uncategorized

I'm excited for both Calvin soccer teams tonight. They're deep in the NCAA-III tournaments with quarter-final games against Transylvania for the men at 6 and Wash U. for the women at 7 (EST). Interestingly in both brackets, Calvin plays in the only one out of four sectionals without a game …

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Posted on 2009-10-16 in Uncategorized

At fifty-five degrees, overcast, and damp this evening, it is starting to feel like fall in Atlanta. Alex went for a run and her ears were cold. Me, I drank cider because my shin is a little gimpy the last few days. This weekend we're taking a trip up to …

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McAllen vs Mayo

Posted on 2009-06-11 in Uncategorized

Repost from The Captured Perspective:

For the newest issue of the New Yorker, Atul Gawande travels to McAllen, Texas to try to understand why that county has higher health care costs than anywhere else in the United States. He pins the blame on perverse economic inscentives that pay doctors more …

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Lunacy at Michigan State University

Posted on 2009-04-13 in Uncategorized

In this article on the State News website Zack Colman writes about his interest in running cyclists over: "Black 2001 Saturn SC2. That’s the car I drive — and if you’re a bicyclist on the road but not in a bike path and you see my car, I hope …

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