Posted on 2010-05-13 in Uncategorized
We took a trip to Savannah; it was nice. We stayed at a B & B which was right in the historic district. In a weekend we were able to get to know our way around the historic district and wander around most of the famous squares. We didn't do much in terms of going inside museums, but you could spend another couple days doing that if you wanted. The city is beautiful and just walking around was great. A couple notes:
- At Papillote I had Le Parisien, an incredible open-faced sandwich with shaved apple, ham, melted brie and mustard. Yes, incredible.
- We tried the calamari at Sapphire Grill; it's probably the best calamari I've had.
- We spent half a day at the Tybee Island beach. The water was pretty warm for spring and the beach was busy for a Monday afternoon. Also, tides are crazy.
- We went on a guided walking tour organized by our B&B and led by Orlando Montoya of Georgia Public Broadcasting. As it was mothers' day weekend, he highlighted (highlit?) some of the women who've made Savannah what it is. We liked the tour.
Pictures here.