Black and White

Posted on 2010-01-19 in Uncategorized

Andrew Sullivan writes:

The current system insures fewer and fewer people and costs more and more. It is crippling other sectors of the economy and will bankrupt the entire Treasury if some painful adjustments are not made. If America cannot grapple with a crisis this big, and cannot accept an imperfect but reformable piece of legislation that makes a start on this, then America is incapable of grappling with its serious problems.

Which seems reasonable enough. But I'm not willing to roll the dice and hope that this "imperfect but reformable" bill will meet the reforms it requires to be a positive influence on our future. I am convinced that the health care sector is broken. I want huge changes, probably bigger than what is proposed. But they aren't these changes. (See here to remind yourself of some good ideas.)

But the point is, Andrew Sullivan has taken on the mantra of the object of his derision: "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists."